How To Deploy React Js App - Heroku

Step 1

  1. Sign up for heroku.
  2. Install heroku CLI

Step 2

  1. Open terminal(or CMD) (In this directory)
  2. heroku login (Enter your Heroku credentials)
  3. git init
  4. git add .
  5. git commit -m "initial commit"
  6.  heroic create
  7. Now you will get one git url (In green colour ) (Copy that Url).
  8. git remote add heroku <PASTE THE URL THAT YOU JUST COPIED>
  9. git push heroku master
  10. heroku open

For the repos in gitHub

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open terminal(or CMD) in this directory.
  3. git init
  4. git add .
  5. git commit -m "initial commit"
  6. heroku create 
  7. Now you will get one git url (In green colour ) (Copy that Url).
  8. git remote set-url heroku <PASTE THE URL THAT YOU JUST COPIED>
  9. git push heroku master or  git push heroku master --force
  10.  heroku open


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