
Showing posts from July, 2017

How To Unsubscribe Channels All From Youtube (Using Console)

Method to mass unsubscribe all channels from YouTube. If you have subscribed many junk channels and you want to remove them all at a time, then here is one easy way to do that. Without installing any extension or softwares. Simple Method. Go to your youtube subscription page and Open console. Paste the given code ( Here ) and press Enter (for mac return) Done STEPS IN DETAIL : Open web browser. Open YouTube Click on " SUBSCRIPTIONS ". Press Option + Command + C (in Mac)or Alt + Ctrl + C (in Windows). now you will get one console tab. On console tab you can type any java script code, that code will be execute on the current web page. Now just past the given code on it. And that's it.         Enjoy your  youtube with new subscriptions. Click on " SUBSCRIPTIONS"    Openning  console tab Past the code Please leave some comments to improve our blog.